Acceda a información basada en datos, escuche a los líderes y creadores de la industria y aprenda cómo la inteligencia de cobranzas puede funcionar para usted.
12 min read
Debt collection in 2025: trends, technologies and opportunities

Based on our analysis of key market trends, and supplemented by insights from industry leaders and experts who are actively shaping the future of collections, here are our predictions for how the debt collection industry will evolve in 2025. We hope it’ll help you to plan effectively for the year ahead.

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Al reunir todos los rincones de las colecciones para compartir conocimientos del mercado y nuevas perspectivas, Better Debt arroja luz sobre el avance y la innovación en nuestra industria. Mire grabaciones pasadas o vea eventos futuros para unirse a la conversación en vivo

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Transforming enterprise collections with InDebted and Receeve
Better Debt
Josh Foreman Paul Jozefak

Transforming enterprise collections with InDebted and Receeve

Learn how InDebted and Receeve are transforming collections technology through AI-driven solutions and enterprise-grade software innovation. With Josh & Paul
AI and Machine Learning Masterclass
Better Debt
Jo Mikleus Duhita Khadepau Josh Foreman Mike Zhou

AI and Machine Learning Masterclass

Where do you start with implementing AI in Financial Services? Get the download from industry experts Josh Foreman (CEO & Founder, InDebted), Mike Zhou (Chief Data Officer, InDebted), Jo Mikleus (AI Strategic Advisor & Non-Executive Director) and Duhita Khadepau (Senior Manager - Enterprise Data, Cuscal Limited) With Jo, Duhita, Josh & Mike
Scaling a global collections function
Better Debt
Jan Hansson Josh Foreman Hugo Rajotte

Scaling a global collections function

Learn how scaling experts Klarna built their collections function from the ground-up to take their collections across continents. Live in 45 countries for over 150 million active customers, we sit down with Jan Hansson. With Jan, Josh & Hugo
Supporting borrowers in a shifting economy
Better Debt
Dan Simmons Josh Foreman Laura White Tim Collins

Supporting borrowers in a shifting economy

Unpack what the shifting macroeconomic environment in the United States means for both creditors and collections. Joined by Transunion's Dan Simmons. With Dan, Josh, Laura & Tim
Four ways AI tools can power your collections
Better Debt
Kristyn Leffler

Four ways AI tools can power your collections

Hear from Kristyn Leffler, Vice VP, Digital Strategy & Operations (Resurgent Financial Services) on the top four ways that AI tools can power your collections. She covers how collections agencies are already using this technology. With Kristyn
Why does the collections industry need to take advantage of AI now?
Better Debt
Tim Collins

Why does the collections industry need to take advantage of AI now?

Why does the collections industry need to take advantage of AI now? One word: Infrastructure. As Tim Collins explains, the speed AI is developing in the last six months alone is unparalleled. But why? Because we already have the infrastructure in place to take advantage of it. With Tim
What will AI change about debt collection?
Better Debt
Josh Foreman

What will AI change about debt collection?

AI is revolutionising every industry. Find out how it will change the face of debt collection. Head to the full recording to where the panel discusses the future of AI in debt collection, featuring Kristyn Leffler, VP, Digital Strategy & Operations at Resurgent Capital Services. Joined by Josh Foreman, our CEO & Founder, and Tim Collins our General Counsel With Josh
What's in store for AI and the collections industry?
Better Debt
Kristyn Leffler Tim Collins Josh Foreman

What's in store for AI and the collections industry?

Discover the possibilities of AI and collections with Resurgent's Kristyn Leffler (VP, Digital Strategy & Operations), Josh Foreman (CEO & Founder, InDebted) and Tim Collins (General Counsel, InDebted) With Kristyn, Tim & Josh

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